Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Izzie at St. Saviour's

I just have gotten used to our new house.  I can go up and down the stairs and I have comfy places to rest in the living room as well as the bedroom.  There is a really nice kitchen and SHE doesn't get mad if I spill my water or my food, because it is easy to clean up.  The yard is lots of fun.  I can wander around and sniff and I know how to find my way back in.  It is also fun to walk down the road.  Other dogs walk it too, so there are great smells.

This past weekend we went to a place SHE called Bar Harbor.  They have a really nice church and the people there really liked me.  I was allowed to stay for both services.  I walked into the church on my leash right next to HER and everyone said I looked like I really knew how to process, which I do.  It was a big church so there were lots of places to explore, but I did most of my exploring before church started.  I stayed very close to HER so I could help her if she needed me.  I do have a hard time opening the Prayerbook though.   I didn't even snore during the sermon.

The only problem was when we arrived and we went into a dark building with a lady.  I didn't want to go and I put my paws down, but SHE dragged me across the wood floor.  Drat wood floors, you can't get any traction!  But then we went up some carpeted stairs and into a room, which was very nice.  SHE took me back down the stairs and we went for a walk and then went inside again.  This time the lights were on and it wasn't so scary.  That's where we spent the night.  The bed was nice and SHE was there and I didn't have to spend any time alone.  When SHE went out to eat, I stayed in the car, which is ok because it is our car and I know it.

After church we drove and drove and drove some more.  I thought we were going home, but we went to visit my friends Desi and Luci because SHE and her friend were going to a concert so we spent Sunday night at Desi and Luci's house. It is good to be back home, although I had to go to get some acupuncture this morning and SHE has to go see her doctor today too.  I don't think SHE is going to be stuck with needles.  It is time for a little nap since it has been a very busy day.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Our New House

SHE is making me move again.  SHE promises it is the last time, but I'm not sure I trust her.  We have lived in 9 different places since we became companions.  SHE told me she bought this house and it is ours. It is very scary though.  I don't see very well and I don't know my way around and even though there are not too many stairs, I don't know them.  Today SHE put me in an LL Bean boat bag and carried me down the stairs. That was ok.  I could snuggle in the bottom and just rest.  None of our furniture is there yet and I don't have to sleep there for a few more nights.  I do love the yard though.  It is very big and I can sniff to my hearts content.

The pictures were the ones that SHE said attracted her to the house.  That is not our stuff, but you can see what it looks like.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Acupuncture II

It wasn't nearly as scary the second time.  I think I have more energy and SHE says I sometimes bounce up the steps.  When we finished getting the needles I took HER to where the treats are and SHE bought me one.  I think I'm going to really like going to see this doctor.

This morning I sat in the car while SHE and some guys wandered around a house.  SHE says we will be moving soon, only this time into a house of our own.  It won't have very many stairs so it will be better for me.  SHE says that after we know if we can have the house SHE will write about it and show everybody some pictures.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


I went to see a lady doctor today who stuck needles in me.  Only a couple of them bothered me and I shook one of them out.  Mostly I just lay on the floor and rested.  The doctor said I would probably sleep a lot, but I don't think I'm sleeping any more than usual.  SHE got to stay with me in the room and I was very nervous at first.  I was really shaking, but the doctor gave me something that made me relax and it wasn't so bad.  I have to go back next week.  My legs are pretty stiff and hurt when she moved them about.

The doctor's office is in the back of my favorite dog treat place.  When we were leaving I smelled the best stuff in a bin and practically dove in to see what it was.  I pulled out a great big piece of beef jerky that was wrapped up and tried to get the wrapping off when SHE took it away.  SHE was very nice though and bought it for me and gave it to me when we got home.  It was soooooo good.

You know I think getting needles stuck in you isn't so bad if you can get a treat that is that good afterwards.  Do you think SHE will buy me one every week?  I know where they are and even though I can't see very well, I can find that stuff by smell.  Anywhere.  I know I can.  You don't think they will sell them all before next week do you?  That would not be fair.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

SHE is Sad

I don't like it when SHE is sad.  SHE doesn't take me out for long walks and forgets my eye drops.  I did get to go over and see Oscar this morning when SHE went to visit my friend in the hospital.  Oscar and I understand each other really well now.  We rub noses when we meet and I never chase him anymore. He doesn't seem to mind my being in the house at the same time he is.

The people at the churches are all very nice to me.  There are some girls who like to pet me and that's ok, but I keep hoping They'll give me a treat even though SHE said not to give me any.

I'm not sure about our long drives though.  Most of the time I sleep, but I do get restless.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I'm A Church Dog Again

After only one night at home, SHE put me in the car and we drove and drove.  Turned out we were back in a place I know and a house I know.  Even though it was pretty hot, I slept really well at the side of HER bed.  SHE put on a fan that blew nice air my way.  The very nice person who took care of me taught HER to put chopped fresh tomatoes in my kibble along with cooked veggies and a bit of cooked hamburger.  That makes a wonderful dinner and I eat it all.  For some reason they've stopped giving me very many treats during the day, so I have to eat my dinner all up.

Both SHE and I were soooo tired on Friday night that we both slept until 9 in the morning.  Most of the day was pretty boring, but I did get to visit my friend Pat and spend some time at her house.  Oscar the cat was outside so I didn't have to share the attention.

I slept near HER feet during church and when SHE gave the sermon I must admit I snored.  That seems to make people smile.  It's just that I feel good when I hear HER voice.  I'm glad they don't mind my being there.  I really hate to be all alone in some room.  After SHE talked with some people we got back into the car and drove and drove and drove again.

Now we're back home and I just finished a nap.  Long drives are tiring.  She has promised that we'll go next door and sit on the restaurant's deck and SHE will have some fish for dinner while I sit and watch sea gulls.  I've been told I cannot have any more hot dogs.  Drats!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Dog's Life

This was in the e-mail my newest BFF and all-round wonderful lady who is taking care of me sent to HER while SHE is off somewhere.  They say SHE is helping out a friend who is sick and needs an operation, but I really can't complain.  I have it really good here.

Re Her Royal Highness Isabelle.....is reigning pre-eminently.  Her appetite and ALL bodily functions are great. I've been working on the black tarry "stuff" around her eyes and have made good advancement in it's removal (she doesn't exactly like the procedure.....but as the saying goes "O too bad.") She is happy with me afterwards when she gets her treat for good behavior.
She is sleeping in my bedroom with me at night alongside the bed.....happy as the proverbial clam.
Izzie accompanied me to Healing Service this morning (I was chalicing) so she was content to remain in the shade in the car (nice breeze from the water).....afterwards I took her for a short stroll and then back into Benedictine.  Came straight home afterwards.
A bit later I went back in to town to the market and left her here for the first time by herself as the temp. had risen and there is no shade in Hannaford's parking lot.  When I returned home she was curled up on the couch....promptly jumped off and came right over to me with tail wagging briskly.  Now she's giving me the eye and letting me know that I should end this and go downstairs and fix her dinner...so will do as I am being asked. Don't worry about her ....she's being taken good care of and enjoys being loose in the yard when I'm out there with her.

Monday, May 23, 2011

A Very Long Trip

We went north to Houlton, ME.  It's the north end of I-95, just before the Canadian border.  SHE celebrated at Good Shepherd and I stayed in the car.  Of course we did spend the night in the rectory.  I didn't know my way around and bumped into the bedroom wall after she turned out the lights.  I think I thought we were at home, and I don't see too well anymore. So SHE picked me up and put me on the bed.  That was better.

I did get to go to coffee hour and had a taste of an egg salad sandwich and a bit of cheese.  After coffee hour we drove and drove and drove. (US Route 1 goes across the top of Maine and then down the coast)  Finally SHE stopped for dinner.  I got some chicken pieces and a wonderful drink of ice water.  SHE also let me walk around a bit.  I was tired so I slept on the back seat for a while.  We got home just before dark.

Along the way we saw a young moose eating grass along the edge of the road and a turkey. Lots of people were taking advantage of the sunny day to mow their lawns.

Today I was very tired and we didn't get up until after 8 in the morning.  It was a bit rainy, but I enjoyed our morning walk.

Friday, April 1, 2011

A New Do

I couldn't see through the hair over my eyes so SHE took me in for a haircut this morning.  We had to go out into the snow and I was mad because SHE wouldn't let me sit on her lap in the car. SHE said it was too dangerous.  The lady who does my hair had to drive a long way too. I think I look pretty good and SHE says I smell nice. I'll get her to take a picture of me.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


The vet did all kinds of tests on me and didn't find anything wrong, so now I'm on an anti-anxiety pill. I take it at night before we go to bed.  I don't like sleeping in the bed with HER any more.  I'm more comfortable on the floor under the bed.  I still like my morning tummy rubs though and I climb up next to HER so she can do it.

I didn't want to go to church on Sunday, so I stayed in and slept.  SHE told me that the ladies at the church missed me.  I don't know if my hard time seeing and hearing is making me anxious.  I do know I don't like HER leaving without my knowing about it. Some nights I sleep on the living room couch so I can know if SHE leaves.  If I'm really sleeping, though, I don't really know.

Monday, February 28, 2011

This bitch is getting old and it is a b..

I seem to be able to hear less and less. If I'm sound asleep I don't know SHE's left the room. I can't even seem to figure out which room SHE's in unless I see her. I think that is what is making me so anxious. That and the fact that I had to in the kennel for three weeks, then SHE came back and it was gone for a few weeks and then I had to go back to the kennel for another week. I do not know why she calls it the doggie spa. Yes, I do like being around the other dogs, and the nice lady who owns the place is very good to me, but I miss my HER. I slept really close especially after the first trip. Then the day she took me back to the kennel I peed on the floor, something I never do. I guess I was nervous when I saw my little bag being packed.

After she came back I've been having a really hard time. I spend most of the night under the little bed instead of in the big bed with her. I also need to go outside at two am. SHE is not happy about that, because it has been really cold and snowy. I don't take too long though. Last night I came up on her bed and had an accident before SHE could get up. (Izzie's also peed on the carpet earlier in the day). I went outside with HER but really didn't need to do anything. SHE then spent a lot of time taking everything off the bed and starting the washing machine. We then slept on the couch.

Today I have to wear doggie diapers in the house. Thank goodness SHE took them off before we went outside after lunch. Boy the weather was not nice: a mixture of rain and snow. I only stayed out just long enough to pee. SHE did not embarrass me; SHE took the diaper off before we went outside. Now SHE says I have to go see the doctor tomorrow, And I have to wear the diapers. I think getting old is really a bitch.